1. Fung, SSW, Stewart, SM, Ho, SY, Wong, JPS, & Lam, TH. (2010). Body dissatisfaction, maternal appraisal, and depressive symptoms in Hong Kong adolescents. International Journal of Psychology, 45(6), 453-60.
2. Leung, SSK, Stewart, SM, Wong, JPS, Ho, DSY, Fong, DYT, & Lam, TH. (2009). The association between adolescents’ depressive symptoms, maternal negative affect and family relationships in Hong Kong: Cross-sectional and longitudinal findings. Journal of Family Psychology, 23 (5), 636-645.
3. Wong, JPS, Stewart, SM, Claassen, C., Lee, PWH, Rao, U., & Lam, TH. (2008). Repeat suicide attempt in adolescents. Social Science and Medicine, 66(2), 232-41.
4. Lee, SW, Stewart, SM, Byrne, B, Wong, JPS, Ho, SY, Lee, PWH, & Lam, TH. (2008). Factor structure of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale in Hong Kong adolescents. Journal of Personality Assessment, 90:1-11.
5. Wong, JPS, Stewart, SM, Ho, SY, & Lam, TH. (2007). Risk factors associated with suicide attempts and other self-injury among Hong Kong adolescents. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 37 (4), 453-66.
6. Wong, JPS, Ho, SY, Lam, TH. (2005). Central and Western District Adolescent Health Survey: Full Report of the Baseline and Prospective Studies (2002-2004). Department of Community Medicine, The University of Hong Kong.
7. Wong, JPS, Stewart, SM, Ho, SY, & Lam, TH. (2005). Predictive factors for future suicide attempts in Chinese adolescents. Poster and handout, the 12th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, June 2005.
8. Wong, JPS, Stewart, SM, Ho, SY, Rao, U, & Lam, TH. (2005). Exposure to suicide and deliberate self-harm among Hong Kong adolescents. Social Science and Medicine, 61, 591-599.
9. Wong, JPS, Salili, F, Ho, SY, Mak, KH, Lai, MK, & Lam, TH. (2005). The perceptions of adolescents, parents and teachers on the same adolescent health issues. School Psychology International, 26(3): 371-384.
10. Wong, JPS, Ho, SY, Lai, MK, Leung, GM, Stewart, SM, Lam, TH. (2005). Overweight, obesity, weight-related concerns and behaviors in Hong Kong Chinese children and adolescents. Acta Paedeiatrica, 94:595-601.
11. Lam, TH, Stewart, SM, Leung GM, Lee, PWH, Wong, JPS, & Ho, LM. (2004). Depressive Symptoms among Hong Kong Adolescents: Relation to Atypical Sexual Feelings and Behaviors, Gender Dissatisfaction, Pubertal Timing and Family and Peer Relationships Archives of Sexual Behavior, 33 (5), 487.
12. Wong, JPS, Ho, SY, Stewart, SM, Lai, WH, & Lam, TH. (2004). Self-mutilation in Hong Kong Adolescents. First Asia-Pacific Regional Adolescent Health Congress: Towards Healthy Adolescence: Intersectoral Collaboration (Programme & Abstracts). Hong Kong.
13. Wong, JPS, Ho, SY, Lam, TH. (2004). Central and Western District Adolescent Health Survey 2002-03 - full report. Department of Community Medicine, The University of Hong Kong.
14. Wong, JPS, Stewart, SM, Ho, SY, Fielding, R, & Lam, TH. (2003). Relationship between physical morbidity and mental health in Hong Kong Chinese children and adolescents. 8th Research Postgraduate Symposium (Programme & Abstracts). Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong.
15. Wong, JPS, Ho, SY, Lam, TH. (2003). Central and Western District Adolescent Health Survey 2002-03 - interim report. Department of Community Medicine, The University of Hong Kong.
16. Ho, SY, Lam, TH, Salili, F, Lai, MK & Wong, JPS. (2002). Basic Life Skills Training – Adolescent Health Programme (Preliminary Report). Department of Community Medicine, The University of Hong Kong.
17. Ho, SY, Lam, TH, Salili, F, Lai, MK & Wong, JPS. (2002). Basic Analyses on Adolescent Health Programme – Topical Programme (Preliminary Report). Department of Community Medicine, The University of Hong Kong.
18. Wong, JPS. (2004). Chapter 1: Sex and life: societal and cultural conflicts; Chapter 2: Curiosity during infanthood and childhood; Chapter 4: Physical and psychological changes during puberty; Chapter 5: Curiosity during puberty; Chapter 6: Sex education in the family; Chapter 9: Childless married life; Chapter 11: Midlife crisis; Chapter 13: Sexual assault and sexual orientation. Textbook for the course ‘Sex and Life’, Capacity Building Mileages Programme. The Women’s Commission and the Open University of Hong Kong. Publisher: The Open University of Hong Kong.
19. Wong, JPS. (2002). Interpersonal communications: understanding self in Behavioural Sciences (for Nurses), chapter 7. Textbook for the course NU202c, School of Science & Technology, The Open University of Hong Kong.
20. Wong, JPS. (2002). Interpersonal communication skills in Behavioural Sciences (for Nurses), chapter 8. Textbook for the course NU202c, School of Science & Technology, The Open University of Hong Kong.
21. Wong, JPS. (2002). Communications in clinical settings in Behavioural Sciences (for Nurses), chapter 9. Textbook for the course NU202c, School of Science & Technology, The Open University of Hong Kong.
22. Wong, JPS. (2002). Communications with other health professionals in Behavioural Sciences (for Nurses), chapter 10. Textbook for the course NU202c, School of Science & Technology, The Open University of Hong Kong.
23. Wong, JPS. (2001). Post-traumatic stress disorder. Audio-visual teaching material (CDrom) for the course CE170c ‘Understanding Healthy Living’. The Open University of Hong Kong.
24. Wong, JPS. (2001). Smoking and health. Audio-visual teaching material (CDrom) for the course CE170c ‘Understanding Healthy Living’. The Open University of Hong Kong.
25. Wong, JPS. (2001). OTC drugs and healthy living. Audio-visual teaching material (CDrom) for the course CE170c ‘Understanding Healthy Living’. The Open University of Hong Kong.
26. Wong, JPS. & Leung, A (2001). Health education and lifestyle in Hong Kong adolescents. Journal of Youth Studies, 5 (1), 186-203. The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.